(Items for sale may well have gone by now - most recent at the top)

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For sale at reasonable prices to club members, all in barn find condition: Box bonnet, complete sound, 25½” ; pair of Box front wings sound with stays little welding needed ; early box (bolt on wing) radiator surround and radiator ; three piece axle case as above ; several forward-facing starter motors ; early forward-facing starter crankcase solid mount with crank (needs some helicoils to sump) ; late box crankcase serial M188709 good ; 4-speed crash box untried ; Girling front axle with bare stubs and one radius arm ; speedo dial ; speedo magmo ; ammeters ; igni-tion/light switches (Box/Ruby type) ; two Ruby wheels fitted with town and country type tyres (good tread) age unknown ; believed Ruby sunroof with hatch (no ply) ; sundry other bits. Ask Gary Munn at 07984 996071 (Poole).


Pair of Austin Seven seats in fair condition, suitable for recovering. Please contact Jon Reynolds at or call him on 07519 622268.