Door buffers are fixed to the outside edges of the doors and slide into 2 corresponding indentations on the B-pillars of the Box and mine were missing!
So I ordered a couple from Seven Workshop at £3.20 each plus VAT - and I discovered when they arrived that there wasn’t enough clearance for them between the door and the B pillar in my car – they are a bit more than 10mm thick. I didn’t feel like carving them down, so I ordered online some small sheets of thinner hard rubber from Camthorne Industrial Supplies, I got 100mm squares of 8mm and 6 mm at a total cost of £5.63 inclusive. The stuff is easily cut with a Stanley knife, so I made customised copies of the cherished supplier’s patterns, but which fit and are thick enough to stop my doors closing metal to metal. There was no need to drill holes through the buffers or into the door, I just stuck them in place with household adhesive.
I immediately noticed less rattling and a more satisfying door shutting experience. I must now paint where metal was rubbing on metal. The pictures show my kit for the task, including the cherished supplier’s patterns and a finished buffer fitted.

Richard Palmer DA7C