From The Austin Magazine
The fuel pump is bolted to the engine low down on the left side and is
operated mechanically from an eccentric on the engine camshaft. A hand priming
lever is mounted on the side of the pump. Make sure that any defect in the
fuel system is not due to other causes before attempting to do anything to the
pump. If there appears to be lack of fuel at the carburetter, first
ascertain that there is fuel in the tank. Check piping and connections between
the tank and the pump, and between the pump and the carburetter for leakage, and
in the case of broken or damaged piping replacement should be made. It
may be that the filter cover of the petrol pump is loose. If this is so, tighten
the main nut at the top, making sure that the cork gasket lies flat on its seat
and is not broken or unduly compressed.
Should petrol appear to be leaking at the edge of the diaphragm, tighten the
cover screws alternatively and securely. Sometimes, such leakage may actually
come from one of the pipe fittings, causing the fuel to run down the pump and
collect round the diaphragm flange.
Fuel pump service is available at all Austin Agents and A.C. Service Stations.
Both are stocked with parts and fittings for any repairs and adjustments that
may become necessary.
Method of Operation
When the engine camshaft (Q) revolves, the eccentric (P) lifts the pump
rocker arm (R) pivoted at (T) which pulls the pull rod (K) together with the
diaphragm (H), downward against spring pressure (3), thus creating a vacuum in
the pump chamber (G).
Petrol is drawn from the tank and enters at (D) into sediment chamber (E) and
through a filter gauze (A) and suction valve (M) into pump chamber (G). On the
return stroke the spring pressure (3) pushes the diaphragm (H) upward, forcing
the fuel from the chamber (G) through the delivery valve (C) and opening (B)
into the carburetter.
When the carburetter bowl is full, the float will shut the needle valve thus
preventing any flow of petrol from the pump chamber (C). This will hold
diaphragm (H) downward against spring pressure (I) and it will remain in this
position until the carburetter requires further petrol and the needle valve
opens. The rocker arm (Q) is in two pieces, the outer one operating the inner by
making contact at (R) and the movement of the eccentric (0) is absorbed by the
break when fuel is not required.
Spring (N) is merely for the purpose of keeping the rocker arm (Q) in constant
contact with the eccentric to eliminate noise.
Cleaning the filter
The filter should be examined and cleaned occasionally. Access to
the filter is gained by unscrewing the retaining screw and removing the dome
cover, when the filter gauze itself may be lifted off its seating. Remove the
drain plug and clean out the sediment chamber. Clean the filter gauze with
petrol or compressed air.
The cork washer under the filter cover should be replaced if broken or if it has
When refitting the cover, make certain that the fibre washer is replaced under
the head of the screw. Tighten the filter cover retaining screw just
sufficiently to make a petrol-tight joint. Over-tightening will either destroy
the cork washer, crack the cover or facture the main casting.