Monthly Runs usually start at Ringwood Main Car Park (Furlong Car Park) but occasionally we can meet at

QE School, Wimborne; Pamphill Farm Shop, Wimborne, CranborneGarden Centre, or The View Point, Poole. 

Click here for these maps.

Click Here For The Club’s Annual Programme

Click here for the Rules Of The Convoy

Click here for a Google Calendar of DA7C events that can be downloaded onto your own calendar


.Thursday 20th February - Club night at the Bridge House Hotel, 2 Ringwood Road, Ferndown, BH22 9AN, a talk on The Red Arrows.

Sunday 23rd February - Club Run. Starting at Ringwood car park, arrive by 10:15 for a 10:30 hrs start. The run will go south and east of Ringwood. There will be a coffee and comfort break stop and the lunchtime pub is dog friendly. For safety reasons, please, no modern cars in the convoy..

Thursday 6th March - Lunchtime meet at The Horns,

Thursday 20th March - Club Night at the  Bridge House Hotel, 2 Ringwood Road, Ferndown, BH22 9AN. Technical Torque discussion and Q&A evening.

Sunday 23rd March - Club Run. Details to follow.

Thursday 3rd April - Lunchtime meet at Shah of Persia, 173 Longfleet Rd, Poole BH15 2HS