Monthly Runs usually start at Ringwood Main Car Park (Furlong Car Park) but occasionally we can meet at
QE School, Wimborne; Pamphill Farm Shop, Wimborne, CranborneGarden Centre, or The View Point, Poole.
Click Here For The Club’s Annual Programme
Click here for the Rules Of The Convoy
Click here for a Google Calendar of DA7C events that can be downloaded onto your own calendar
.Thursday 20th February - Club night at the Bridge House Hotel, 2 Ringwood Road, Ferndown, BH22 9AN, a talk on The Red Arrows.
Sunday 23rd February - Club Run. Starting at Ringwood car park, arrive by 10:15 for a 10:30 hrs start. The run will go south and east of Ringwood. There will be a coffee and comfort break stop and the lunchtime pub is dog friendly. For safety reasons, please, no modern cars in the convoy..
Thursday 6th March - Lunchtime meet at The Horns, 182 Christchurch Rd, West Parley, Ferndown BH22 8SS
Thursday 20th March - Club Night at the Bridge House Hotel, 2 Ringwood Road, Ferndown, BH22 9AN. Technical Torque discussion and Q&A evening.
Sunday 23rd March - Club Run. Details to follow.
Thursday 3rd April - Lunchtime meet at Shah of Persia, 173 Longfleet Rd, Poole BH15 2HS