Monthly Runs usually start at Ringwood Main Car Park (Furlong Car Park) but occasionally we can meet at

QE School, Wimborne; Pamphill Farm Shop, Wimborne, CranborneGarden Centre, or The View Point, Poole. 

Click here for these maps.

Click Here For The Club’s Annual Programme

Click here for the Rules Of The Convoy

Click here for a Google Calendar of DA7C events that can be downloaded onto your own calendar



Thursday 15th August CLUB NIGHT: Noggin and Natter club night at The Old Beams Inn, Ibsley, Ringwood BH24 3PP (on the A338) from 7.30 for a chat and a drink with friends or earlier for a meal.  No need to book.

Sunday 18th August Club Run: to Sue and John Legg’s house in Sutton Poyntz, Weymouth. Details later.