The founder Mr S. E. Hamblin, a panel beater by trade, was formally in Hound Street. The firm was established in its present form in July, 1955 when it was transferred to large, converted accommodation in Priestlands Lane Sherbourne. Until recently the firm specialised in sheet-metal work, motor body repairs, coach painting and cellulosing, but early in 1957 they developed and produced an aluminium sports body for use on individual made ‘special’ cars. While this body was being produced it was found considerable demand for a cheap body shell for the younger ‘special’ builder working on a tight budget.
Because of this demand the firm decided to break with traditional materials and experiment with glass fibre reinforced plastics. As the result they eventually produced a sports car body of their own design for fitting to an Austin 7 ‘special’. The 9ft 11in. Long two-seater body, made in a variety of colours, was named Cadet. Almost immediately the idea caught on, and the Cadet was soon in keen demand in all parts of the country. A very large number have already been made and production continues at the rate of five a week. Prices range from £4 10s to £45 for the basic shell”
At the time of the article S. E. Hamblin were 4 months in to a Ministry of Health contract to produce 100 invalid carriage bodies which were leaving the premises at 5 per week already trimmed and with windscreen fitted. The carriages being finished in a Bristol.
Above is the demonstrator in which the rep drove all over the country, when required. It also featured in the sales brochure and in the newspaper article.
Thanks to Tom Hamblin for the news clipping, images and text.
Douglas Alderson DA7C